GetCuriousNow is an 8 week transformative program that shows anyone they can manifest their curiosity into a creation if they set their mind to it. The joy and sense of self we get when we follow our heart and learn from a place of passion is universal. Focused on giving people a process and community, Get Curious Now helps people of all ages and stages manifest creativity from their own curiosity with an immersive learning experience in skills essential for the future - curiosity, self learning, entrepreneurship, connection, communication and creation.
Step 1: Self Discovery
Often deep down in our hearts are things we are curious about.
This step allows us to unlock all the problems we want to solve, passions we have, subjects we have secretly been interested in and may want to do something about. This does not need to be your lifelong dream, it just needs to be something you are curious about.
When we explore what we are interested in, we listen to our soul and our hearts. Work, doesn’t feel like work and we find joy in the exploration.
Step 2: Research
Now is the time to get really curious.
In this step, we learn how to learn.
We find great people, books, and communities that can answer the many questions we may have. We figure out how to ask great questions. We learn to deeply listen. We aren’t afraid to look like we don’t know. We take risks, we use courage to explore and learn from others. We integrate our thinking from different sources.
Step 3: Goal Setting
In this step, we decide we want to do something about it.
No matter how big or how small, we want to make a dent in the universe about something we are passionate about.
It could be as simple as creating a series of interviews with thought leaders in this area and publishing them. It could be starting a small business. It could be a creating a movement that enlists others in your cause. Whatever it is, it will only happen if you set a goal. You commit to the goal. You break down the goal. And you put in place habits to reach that goal.
This is what makes people achieve their goals vs. leave them as distant dreams or ideas.
Step 4: Creating
The process of creation is one that in many ways is sacred. We often find a deep state of flow - an immersion in the work we are doing because we are doing something we love.
Most creativity and creation is also about experimentation, failing, iterating, learning from mistakes, trying things, taking risks, and testing. We often have to let go of perfection. Letting go of need to be right and perfect. In these 2 sessions we focus on creating the experience, content, product, movement we want to put in the world.
It is nerve wracking, exhilarating but really fun and alive to be making stuff. We commit to getting something done and out. It is the first step. It’s not perfect but its good enough and it feels good to make and create.
Step 5: Sharing
And now we muster up the courage to share what we have created with the world and the people we love. We invite our community to the launch of our creations and to share in our experience.
We learn just how important the art of communication is and we invite people to support us in our passions and curiosity. We learn to overcome the fear of expression, the idea of sharing some of our heart and ideas with the world, and we learn to let go of worrying what people will think. We focus on powerful ways to tell our stories and connect with others in our passions and curiosities.
We celebrate the pursuit of individual expression and action and inspire others to put solutions, ideas, curiosities and passions into the world.
Step 6: Reflecting
We sit back and reflect on all we learned in this process.
What did we absorb from this process of self expression? What do we want to do differently with our lives? What do we want to gift people around us with? What do we want for our children? What did we discover?
What did we learn about following our hearts, learning from experts, setting goals, taking action, sharing our expression, and reflecting? What will our next project be in the world?
What would happen if everyone felt their ideas and expression were worthwhile in the world?
“And in the long run, research shows that the mistakes we regret are not errors of commission, but errors of omission. If we could do things over, most of us would censor ourselves less and express our ideas more.”
“Curiosity is the single most important attribute for success.”