Virtual Live Learning
Get Curious Now Workshops
Join one of our virtual live cohort based workshops where you get to meet other like minded people who all want to immerse themselves in a transformative experience of manifesting their curiosity into creativity.
Join a cohort that is right for you. Each cohort has a coach to student ratio of 1:8. Get Curious Now coaches are exceptional creators who have lived through the journey of transformation that you are all about to experience for yourself. The best way to learn is by doing with a group of like minded passionate individuals supporting you along the way.
Price per course: US$499
with EXOWORLD pricing of US$399*
*Scholarships available on request.
Spots are limited.
Apply for your spot today.
Get Curious Now Pre-Teens (9-12 yr olds): Jan 6 - March 3
Join a group of passionate pre-teens that want to take their learning to the next level and go deep into a passion they care about so learning becomes fun and voluntary. In this 8 week transformative experience these kids will challenge each other to do something remarkable in 8 weeks - supporting and teaching other to take learning into their own hands and ship something great.
Get Curious Now Teens (12-15 yr olds): Jan 7 - March 4
Join a group of teens that want to take their learning to the next level and go deep into a passion they care about so learning becomes fun and voluntary. In this 8 week transformative experience these kids will challenge each other to do something remarkable in 8 weeks - supporting and teaching other to take learning into their own hands and ship something great.
Get Curious Now “Gap” Year (Students taking a gap year bw high school and uni): Jan 6 - March 3
Join a group of determined, motivated, capable “gap” year students who want to take learning into their own hands and make something awesome that they are extremely proud of. Why wait for college to do something extraordinary. Have guest experts - entrepreneurs, leadership coaches, marketing gurus all bring deep knowledge to their projects and build community and relationships that will last a lifetime as they put their hearts and souls into creating something awesome and ship something great.
Get Curious Now Women (Supportive women of all ages): Jan 7 - March 4
Join a group of determined, motivated, women who want to take learning into their own hands and make something awesome to be extremely proud of. Enjoy a safe, accepting and motivating community of women to embark on a creative project. Enjoy learning from exceptional guest experts - entrepreneurs, leadership coaches, marketing gurus, tech geeks who all bring deep knowledge to your projects. You will build community and relationships that will last a lifetime as they put their hearts and souls into creating something awesome and ship something great.
Get Curious Now Silver (Young at heart looking to leave a legacy): Jan 7 - March 4
Join a group of passionate, wise and joyful young at heart folks who want to do something extraordinary that has purpose and depth and will be a lasting legacy. Enjoy a safe, accepting and motivating community to embark on a creative project. Enjoy learning from exceptional guest experts - entrepreneurs, leadership coaches, marketing gurus, tech geeks who all bring deep knowledge to your projects. Enjoy the experience of meeting others who want to find connection, are life long learners and want to experience the joy of creating something with purpose.
“Get Curious Now was a transformative experience for my daughter. She learned she is capable of anything she puts her mind to and this experience changed her trajectory in life”